Listing of all Officers
President: Vicky Van Velson
Vice President of Christian Life: Denise Hummel
Vice President of Communication: Deb Kuhlmann
Vice President of Gospel Outreach: Norma Hansen
Vice President of Human Care: Rita Luebbe
Vice President of Servant Resources: Carolyn Nelson
Recording Secretary: Vickie Emery
Financial Secretary: Yvonne Lunney
Treasurer: Dee (Jalas) Kamprath
Sr. Pastoral Counselor: Rev. David Feddern
Jr. Pastoral Counselor: Rev. Daniel Ramsey
Parliamentarian: Maydelle Messerschmidt
Planning/Meeting Manager: Angie Becker
Archivist/Historian: Lisa Paul
Standing Committee Chairmen
Media & Marketing: Megan Outhet
Webmaster: Cassandra Tomsen
Publication Editor: Cindy Long
Publication Assistant: Jamie Nikodym
Christian Life: Joyce Kroll & Pam Binfield
Gospel Outreach/Mission Grants: Eileen Zentner
Human Care: Janet Keiser & Heather Dahl
Leader Development: Rebecca Mau
Structure: Kelly Mees
Endowment Committee: Linda Reiser (chairman), Susan Thomas, Yvonne Lunney, Ruth Probasco, Norman Hansen, Mary Beth Sanchez, Sherry Burger
Gift Planning Advocate: Currently Vacant
Nominating Committee: Sharon Goertzen, Judy Bartels, Carolyn Meyer
2025 Retreat Committee: Kathy Comstock (chairman), Donna Meyer, Pauline Niederklein, Kathy Comstock, Cassandra Tomsen, Mary Ann Niemoth